Be different in the city.


ECONOVA is a leading supplier of LPG/CNG components. We have aimed to provide quality components of LPG/CNG conversion kits to the world market. Having an experience over 15 years in the industry we have successfully achieved to supply the quality components at an economical price level.

We have all range of LPG/CNG Conversion kits, parts and Tanks for almost all types of vehicles. We are keen to provide best Alternative Fuel Solutions at affordable level. With our experienced team in different regions around the globe we make sure we know the needs of different market and we always develop new products, ideas together with our partners around the world.

Our headquarter located in Munich/ Germany where is the heart of Automotive industry. We develop best fit conversion kits with our R&D in Germany and most of our production activities will be held in Poland, Turkey. We are one of the few companies who can supply all needs of Conversion centers around the globe. Our range of products cover almost 95% of the world’s total car population.

We aimed to be one of the top players in the market trusting our knowledge, experience and flexibility at work. We are young and ambitious team who target to deliver the best to its customers.



Helping to achieve sustainable clean energy solutions for the world.



We aimed to invest in R&D and provide latest solutions for the LPG and CNG world market.